I'm doing a high protein low fat low carb diet for a year,i have lost around 80 lbs of fat and i need to lose 20 lbs more but i cant stand it anymore.I have done total of 6 cheat meals in a year and this cheat meals werent so unhealthy foods.I cant stand it anymore,there is so many new foods to try so i have decided to break my diet for 3 days but im really worried about gaining to much weight.I'm planning to take 6000 7000 calories in a day (with most unhealthy foods) with these calories im planning to do 1 hour of weight traning and 2 hours of cardio daily.My questions are ;
-How should i workout and do cardio ?
-Is 3 hours in a gym enough for not gaining to much weight ?
-What can i do different than cardio and weight traning for not gaining to much weight ?
My stats are ;
Age :17
Weight:196 lbs
Fat Percentage:%20
-How should i workout and do cardio ?
-Is 3 hours in a gym enough for not gaining to much weight ?
-What can i do different than cardio and weight traning for not gaining to much weight ?
My stats are ;
Age :17
Weight:196 lbs
Fat Percentage:%20
from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2ZIncKT
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