Deload / reset or increase calories? Or both?

Summary: Currently cutting at 2100 calories. TDEE used to be 2300 before I started serious work out 3 months ago beginner full body routine 3 times a week. Last rep of every set is to failure. If i hit target reps on last set, I increase weight on next workout - so I think my workouts are pretty hard. Last 3 workouts, recovery is sucking, workouts are sucking and weights/strength going backwards a bit or staying the same. Feeling a bit sick too like a cold. Not sure if I should up calories and come close to maintenance or reduce volume to help with recovery?
GOAL: Issue is I want to be 15% bodyfat or below before I start bulking but I also want to use my newbie time to loose fat and gain muscle. Its been working slowly so far - I have dropped from 24% bodyfat to 21% bodyfat and gained muscle at the same time.
Want to be big and not get too skinny anywhere along the way if possible.

What do??

**************** MORE DETAILS BELOW IF YOU HAVE TIME TO READ ***************

I am currently 21% body fat - 168 lbs skinny fat (pics in the gallery)... 5 feet 8 inches

Been cutting for over 9 months from 192 lbs (30% bodyfat) down to 168 lbs (21% bodyfat). Took a 2 month break back in April due to injury and 1 week break in July.

Approx TDEE is 2300 calories and currently slow cutting at 2100 calories. Body is transforming slowly. I can see and feel fat getting less.

Seriously working out on a full body 3 times a week beginner routine for 3 months and loosing fat and gaining strength and perhaps some muscle also.

- June: Was eating at 150 above maintenance. Weight stayed around 168lbs
- July: Took one week off vacation and consumed almost 900 above maintenance PER DAY. :( Messed up bad and put on some fat.
- End July: Started cutting at 1750 per day. Within 10 days, stalled / recovery was bad.
- August: Upped calories to about 2000/2100. Workous better - progressing.

- September CURRENTLY now I'm again stalled. Same thing as what happened in July when I was cutting at 1750. Feel almost sick like I'm getting a cold and not recovering well. Lifts are staying the same and some lifts are going backwards.

Bodyweight has been almost the same from June through now. I'm feeling like crap now, workouts are sucking and I am not sure what to do?

===> Should I lean out to 15% or lower and continue my cut and reduce my workout volume? Maybe reduce volume AND lower calories to 500 below 2300 and get to 15% quickly? Stop dreaming of progressing during this time?


===> Should I eat more so I can recover better? Maybe my TDEE has gone up and I need to just eat more. This will mean I'm at or above my TDEE but I'm scared to put on fat. I would like to use my newbie period to gain muscle and loose fat - it has been working so far...but now I've stalled.

Isn't three months too short a time to come out of newbie gains phase? I lift hard - almost every exercise, last rep I hit failure. If not, I increase weight on the next workout. My total lifted volume is going up about 800 to 1000 lbs every workout (total weight lifted according to JEFIT app).

I’m starting to feel little sick like a cold is trying to get me for the last four days. It’s not full blown sickness but I did feel this back when I stalled at 1750 calories.

Apologies for the long essay here and thanks for your input!

from Forums - Nutrition

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