Calory intake for maintaining 10% bodyfat?

Hello guys, first off some information about me:

-19 yo
-67kg (i guess, didn't weigh since a few months)
-lifting seriously since 2 years
-never been at 10% (my estimate) before, always skiny fat or 15%+
-daily activity: Student, 1-2x Cycling per week (usually 2 hours per ride), training with a 3 day split every other day I don't do cardio

Can't post any links yet but I attached them

Workout plan:


Now to my question:
I've been on a big cut for the last few months and lost a lot of fat. I estimate my current bf% to be at 10%. I really like the looks of it, expecially the fact that my face has become really defined with slight hollow cheeks and better jaw etc. Now I've come to to the point where I just want to maintain the current bf% and amount of muscle but after this cut I am not sure howmany calories I should eat each day to do so. I know 1700kcal aren't enough but I don't want to overdo them because I really don't want to get a bloated face again. Howmany calories do you recommend? I just want to maintain the bf% and muscle mass, not necessarily gain more muscle. Also if i want to maintain this physique at 10% do I still have to go to bed hungry each day? If you have any other tips I would really like to hear them :)
Attached Images

from Forums - Nutrition


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