BLOATING AFTER EATING CARBS WTF (rant + autistic wall of text)

Im 18 years old and 6ft2 @ 155 pounds (skinnyfat loser) and used to be 180 pounds of pure fat and was fed up of getting bullied by almost everyone every single day in highschool and getting rejected by girls for having an ugly fat face. I am naturally ugly af but the face fat just makes it worst.

Ive been on and off a psmf crash diet (800 cals of only protein, no fat or carbs) to "try" and get a lean chisled face only to binge eat every 5 or so days, and then the cycle repeats. I am a very ugly guy as i said but I get even uglier when my face gets fat so I diet to help control the uglyness from bloated face.

Last friday tho I said **** it I'll just eat normally again since my hormones are probably ****ed and should start going to the gym and try to do
"body recomposition" (gain muscle and lose fat at once), well in the last 3 days, my face trippled in size, Im eating like 2700+ cals and a lot from carbs, and I look so moon faced its insane and I think IM just gonna start crash dieting again because Im uglier now then ever before. I would rather be deprived of food and look normal than eat normally while looking like bloated trash.

Why are my genetics so bad, why can every ****ing person in the history of ever eat carbs normally while I have to stick to a ****ty keto diet or low carb diet or else I bloat up like a pufferfish? Its crazy in a matter of 4 days I went from looking normal (but starving) to looking like a fat phuck this is rage inducing i just wanna punch the walls around me what the ****kk im i destined for a lifetime of face bloat? **** keto diet the food tastes so bland and even the best keto recipes are dog**** compared to a simple cheese pizza or whatever.

ik i have mental illness issues and eating disorders which come from being the most bullied kid in middle school/high school but atleast my bullies pushed me to better myself everyday tbh, if it werent for them i would still be a 180 pounds no muscle fat sack of ****.

from Forums - Nutrition

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