In a crisis after meeting with a personal trainer

OK the title was a bit dramatic so let me explain:

I'm a complete newbie to gyms and almost a complete beginner to weight lifting (I did Allpro's routine on and off for a couple of months about 7 years ago and nothing since). I decided to join the gym last week as I'm sick of being skinny. I've done a lot of research online (a LOT) and decided to do a bulk and follow the Fierce 5 routine that you can find here on the Weight Programmes forum. First time in a gym ever. done two training days so far. I've planned all my meals on a spreadsheet, etc. etc. and I'm eating 3,000 calories a day to try and bulk.

The problem - the personal trainer that I met yesterday got me to stand on this special scale and it told me about my body composition. I linked a picture below of the results. Basically I have 25% body fat (I have VERY skinny legs, arms, chest, but fatty waist and stomach). He said my goal for the next three months should be to lose 6kg of body fat and gain 3kg of muscle mass. I wasn't happy with this because the thought of getting any skinnier horrifies me. My body already causes me a lot of anxiety and unhappiness. All I want to do is put on weight. I had no idea I was carrying this much fat.

So basically I'm worried about looking even skinnier and also I don't know how many calories I should aim for now since everything has changed from what I was planning to do. I guess the personal trainer is asking me to do a cut? We didn't really get round to talking calories as he said I should ask the nutritionist when they contact me. Apart from the three days I spend at the gym I am pretty much sedentary. My job is not very active either. Could you give me any ideas of the number of calories just to give me something to work with (I find it hard and confusing to rate my daily activity).


from Forums - Nutrition

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