Decreased BF %

Current Stats

158.5 pounds

Goal: Would like to get down in the single digits in body fat.

Current Calories Consumed per Day (based on BMR calculator)- 1,744

Calorie Counter: Calory App (Mac)

My Macros are off a bit but will this effect my weight loss or is it simply cals in v cals out? I like to keep it simple while maintaining my protein as close to 160 grams of protein per day.

Latest Macros
1. Protein: 165g (41%)
2. Carbs: 198g (49%)
3. Fats 39g (10 %)

My guess is I need to up the fat and cut carbs a bit?

I train 6 days a week.
4 Lift Days a week
1 Stability/mobility day
1 Cardio Day (minimal cardio to keep as much lean body mass as possible)

Any suggestions/solutions would be greatly appreciated.


from Forums - Nutrition

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