Food choices

After several diet types and eliminations etc I found something where I don’t have digestive issues or inflammation. I have eliminated dairy completely and all processed foods period. All protein powders and drinks gone. The only food currently in my diet are as follows:

- lean ground beef
- boneless skinless chicken thighs
- chicken breast tenderloins
- beef liver
- brown rice
- steel cut oats
- olive oil
- Ezekiel bread plain (sprouted grain)
- natural almond butter (no salt/sugar)
- unsalted walnuts
- plums
- kale

These are the only foods going into my body on a daily basis. Can anyone chime in and advise whether or not this will cause any deficiencies/issues down the road or is this a solid choice to live on. I’m type O- blood and have read a bit of Dr. Dadamo’s writings and must say that eliminating almost all simple carbs and going high meats has worked wonder for how I feel. But, feel isn’t always indicative of health so hopefully a seasoned member can critique my choices. Also I am attempting to lean bulk on this diet choice.

from Forums - Nutrition

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