Am I Losing Insulin Sensitivity? (pics)

I'm 22 years old male. I started training about 2 years ago. I was skinny fat where I had super skinny upper body but stored most of my fat in my butt/legs/glutes.

In 2020 I bulked hard to put on size in general and did succeed in doing so. I had made a visible transformation. But I had zero ab definition and definitely had a bit of fat. This past winter I also bulked really hard, not really paying attention to how many carbs/fats I was eating. I just focused on protein. It eventually became unsustainable because I was tired all the time and got really fat in my belly. In February I started my cut and did a 300/500 calorie deficit for a few months. I lost the big belly fat I had and slimmed down a really good amount. Still zero visible abs or definition in shoulders/triceps. Now I have an OK physique, I have some muscle and some fat. I really want to recomp tho and either put on more muscle or lose more fat to look better. I attached pictures of what I look like now first thing in morning no water or food.

I have no definition in my abs, no definition in my shoulders/tris area. I don't know if I should be bulking or cutting, since my arms are only 15in. Currently for the past month or so I've just been maingaining.

I've heard a lot about insulin sensitivity and carb cycling, so I'm starting to look at my diet to see how I can optimize it since that's something that has caused issues in the past, with excess fat. Since in the past I've had so much sugars and carbs I'm worried I ruined my insulin sensitivity, which is why I'm still holding lots of fat despite eating very clean and healthy. My daily fat intake is only 40-50g which is in good relation to my TDEE.

For carbs:

Breakfast: 53.5g carbs (9-10 AM) (Yogurt, granola, blueberries, 2 whole eggs 2 egg whites)

Lunch: 54.5g carbs (2 PM-3PM) (1 serving of pasta, ground turkey breast, organic pasta sauce)

Pre Workout Snack: 50g carbs (4 PM) (banana and rice krispy treat)

Post Workout Snack: 35g carbs (7 PM) (protein bar with carbs in it and protein shake)

Dinner: Varies but usually 30-50g carbs (8-9PM) (chipotle usually or something healthy high protein low carb)

My question is, is this too many carbs not within my workout window? I know some bodybuilders time all their carbs in a workout window and just eat fat and protein outside of it. I'm worried I have too many carbs for breakfast or lunch which is why I can't get rid of my fat.

I guess I can't post my progress pics since I'm not high enough level.

I'm 5'9" 181 pounds

from Forums - Nutrition

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