Would recomp be possible or optimal for me

Hello everyone. I’m looking for advice on the subject of body recomp. Here’s a little of my background. I’ve been lighting off and on for like 8 years but only really took it serious for like 6 months as far as getting stronger and really focusing on progressive overload. I was making great gains but herniated 2 discs and had double hernia surgery so I took some time off. Well then life happened and I got comfortable and lazy. With that being said I believe I still had plenty of newbie gains to go. That was about 3 years ago and I’ve been lifting again for around 6 months but just now really trying to take diet and nutrition serious and trying to get back to where I was and beyond. So my question is since I’ve already been back at it for 6 months but not really taking nutrition serious woukd recomp still be possible for me. Right now I’m 37 years old 5ft 11 inches 186 pounds estimating around 20-25 percent body fat. I know I could do a proper cut then go back to bulking but I’ve never tried doing a recomp and was wondering with all that info if it would be possible or even the optimal way to get back to where I was which was around 185 and like 17 percent body fat. If so woukd it be better to be in a real slight deficit or surplus.

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/Qz7y0Jx


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