Most Accurate BMR / Caloric Intake?

When I use a BMR Calculator online it says my BMR is 2031.

On my Samsung with when I measure my body composition it says BMR is 1804.

On my Samsung Health App it says "Recommended Daily Calorie Intake is 2519".

I've been intaking about 1800 Calories... but if my Samsung watch body composition is 1804, I'm wondering if I should be at 1600 calories?

I'm mid 20s, 5'9", 203lbs. Samsung Watch says I burn around 700-1000 calories per day (Closer to 700 on weight training+physio only days and closer to 1000 on weight training+physio+boxing days).

In the last 10 days my Samsung Watch says my stats went from;
203lb / 29.9% Body Fat / 76.9lb Skeletal Muscle ... to 203lb / 27.9% Body Fat / 79.6lb Skeletal Muscle

I also saw this calculation where I should not burn more than 943Calories per day. So I try to stay near that or just below that. Not sure if that's a necessary objective to be hitting or not? (It was Weight x 0.15 = X lbs of fat... X lbs of fat x 31kcal/lb/day = Max Calorie Deficit)

So yeah, open to some advice from you guys :)

from Forums - Nutrition


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