How many calories per day?

Hey everyone! Just joined on here and am looking for some advice.😊I am 17, I play field hockey, and am trying to figure out more workouts to go alongside that. I am really wanting to gain more strength and muscle, I don’t feel as strong as I used to. From what I have been reading it seems as if it would be best to do a lean bulk, I am what is also known as “skinny fat” so want a better muscle to fat ratio. According to a few tests I’ve done online it seems my BMR at rest is 1,384, and my BMR in motion is 2,145. If I am doing a lean bulk should I eat 2,145 plus some extra on workout days and 1,384 on rest days to avoid unwanted fat gains? Any suggestions are very welcome! I am trying my best to eat a healthy diet with balanced macros too, just struggling to find how many calories it needs to be. Is there a particular type of workout or a certain program that would be helpful? Any help is much appreciated! Thanks!

from Forums - Nutrition

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