How is my diet?

I follow a high-protein ketogenic diet and I'm trying to cut (while also building muscle) so I keep my caloric intake between 2000-2500 a day. I usually burn at least 500-600 calories exercising.

Here's a simple of what I usually eat:


3 brown eggs w/ turkey sausage and bacon (seasoned with salt, black pepper, and granulated garlic). Ratio keto-friendly yogurt and a cup of ground coffee w/ premier protein.


8 oz ground turkey (seasoned with salt, black pepper, granulated garlic, red pepper, and browning) or 2 chicken drumsticks (seasoned with salt, black pepper, paprika, and sugar-free bbq sauce), 1/3 cup of sardines, 1 scoop of protein power, and catalina crunch with almond milk. This is my pre-workout meal.


8 oz steak (seasoned with salt, black pepper, granulated garlic, and red pepper) or salmon (seasoned with salt, black pepper, granulated garlic, and paprika), roughly a cup of veggies (usually seasoned with salt and pepper), a medium avocado, and 2 tea bags of ginger tea. Post-workout meal.


I try to avoid snacking as much as possible but I usually have either a mozzarella cheese stick or some nuts.

So overall... what y'all think of my diet? Is it healthy or does it need work?

from Forums - Nutrition

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