Tips for longevity?

A question mostly for the older/very experienced guys here.

Looking back, what are some tips you would give to younger guys on how to train for longevity?

In particular I wonder about the following two points that I've sometimes heard older lifters promote:

i) rely more on high rep training and less on heavy/low reps as you age and ii) mobility work is important

The underlying idea here seems to be that you should be increasingly concerned about protecting your joints as you age. I have personally noticed that recovery seems slightly slower now in my 30s than in my 20s, and my joints also tend to "stiffen" more quickly if I dont use them in a given ROM. It's a small effect but it's there, and I imagine this will get more and more noticeable with every decade.

Would you say that these two points are valid? And what other factors would you add?

from Forums - Nutrition


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