The worst shape you've been in?

Sup boys. I finished my workout today and took a few pics in the mirror with a pump looking good. I'm in my 30s and have been lifting for a bit and feel great

On days like this I think back to how I was in college. I didn't lift ever and gained no less than 80 pounds of fat in just a few years. I was skinny to start so it's not as bad as it sounds but I still got massive, boys

During my final year I had a presentation on the third floor of some building so I had to walk up two flights of stairs. ****, I remember getting to the room late totally out of breath. I'm not kidding dudes, I was winded and so out of shape from just two flights of stairs. The room was quiet because someone was already presenting so I snuck in the back, but I couldn't catch my breath. All you could hear was this guy talking, and me in the back wheezing like a ****ing cow to get my breath and I was sweating too and felt so uncomfortable.

It was my turn to go a while later and when I got to the front I noticed I had pit stains. I looked to the side and caught my reflection in something and I looked awful. Huge gut, pants that looked tight, sweat showing, and a fat face. I realized I didn't even recognize myself anymore and the entire time I remember feeling so self conscious. When I finished the presentation I went back to my seat and as I sat down the button of my pants tore off. Nobody noticed and I was able to hide it for the rest of the day, but man it was embarrassing. I got home and went for a run that night and couldn't make it a few blocks. I did maybe one or two blocks and when I got home I collapsed on the floor sweating and wheezing, when I had only been running maybe 5 minutes

That was the most embarassing day of my life. It was 10 years ago and I still remember like it was yesterday. That's when I decided to lose weight and I've kept it off for over a decade. I've been in decent shape ever since, that was my lowest point.

Do you guys have any moments like that?

from Forums - Nutrition


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