Does my diet have a problem - Gasses Issue

I am doing fitness and bodybuilding long time back. Recently I followed a diet for gaining weight. I wrote this diet myself. I am more close to be an ectomorph/hard gainer. My weight is 75kg and height is 1.78m.

I am following this diet:

2 eggs+2 toasts + 100g of milk OR 200g of milk
100g sprouted chickpeas
1 lemon
100g boiled chicken breast
2 roti/chapati + 1 tsp peanut butter ###### PS: roti/chapati is like bread wrappers made from baked wheat

45 min to 1 hour then I have lunch

150g of curd/yogurt
200g boiled chicken breast
4 roti/chapati + 2 tsp peanut butter

100g boiled chicken breast
4 roti/Chapati + 2 tsp peanut butter
4 tomatoes
50g of lentils
50g boiled vegetables

Before sleep:
200g boiled chicken breast
2 roti/chapati + 1 tsp peanut butter

There is a gap of 4 hours between each meal. I train bodybuilding 4 days and 1 day fitness.

My questions:
1- Is the amount of protein I am taking too much (especially the chicken breast)?
2- Does the protein in peanut butter adds to the total protein intake, or we can say that vegetarian protein is not taken into account when calculating the required protein?
3- Is there any problem with this diet?
4- Is my nutrition sufficient, less, or more for the exercises I am doing?
5- THIS question is an important one for me: The diet creates a lot of gasses in my intestines which I did not have before when I was eating less. Are these gasses coming from some food items in the diet, the large quantity I am taking, or something else? Actually this is annoying as I need to release accumulated gasses frequently (almost every hour).

Please be patient and kindly give me answers for these questions.

from Forums - Nutrition

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