Shrimp cocktail Optimizing MPS on a cut

So while I understand that this seems like an over complication Im aware of that I just want to know how things work. I have tried to scour the internet on MPS and protein intakes to attempt to optimize things for myself as much as fits my lifestyle however they are rarely directly applicable and I have many question about how certain variables change the equation so to speak .So one of the things I like to eat are shrimp cocktails according to the nutrition label the cocktails i buy have about 405 calories and about 95 grams of protein. How perfect almost all protein macro wise its almost like a protein shake. Except everything I read about MPS points to the fact that there is a maximal absorption somewhere between 20-40 grams so at best that seems like I am wasting 55g of protein, is this a fact? If i eat other foods before and or with the shrimp will they digest slower will I waste less muscle growth by doing this? How is this different in a deficit vs in a surplus? If macros are king and the bottom of the pyramid when it comes to importance does that mean if consume all my daily protein in one meal taking in 150g would that be more or less beneficial than say 120 grams spread out across 4 meals in a day? How would this be impacted by eating other foods with the protein? If i aim for a daily dose of 150g of protein and plan on eating something like this not long after a whey shake on a workout day is it still worth making sure I get another 30 grams at breakfast and lunch and just going above 200g on a day like that or is it almost negligible? What role does nitrogen balance play in all this Can i use these 200+g days to make up for lower 100g days?

I know its a lot of questions and most likely not something that will make a large difference but I would like to know what is optimal and how it all comes together. Another related question I often skip breakfast since i wake up right when its time to leave for work how much more benefit would moving a shake in the morning be to wait until lunch to get my first source of protein vs getting the same 150 but have like 120 of it come all between 9-12 pm?

from Forums - Nutrition


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