compare A and B: A diets, 1000 Cal/day. B increases food intake, lifts, does aerobic


We are considering a male with a resting Base Metabolic Rate and normal exercise around 2000 Calories per day. That is his maintenance level. He is at 18% bodyfat. He is 5'10" and weighs 183 lbs.

Compare what happens after 60 days of A and B.


For A, we consider that he does a drastic nearly starvation diet: only 1000 Calories per day. Obviously on the first day he will be at a -1000 Calorie deficit. But what about after 60 days?


For B, we consider that he does a lean bulk with aerobic: he will actually *increase* his food intake, from 2000 to 2500 Calories! However, he begins each morning, on an empty stomach, by doing cardio, and then also does 5x5 after a short rest. His aerobic program is very long: he burns 1500 Calories and is very hungry. He's pretty weak from hunger for the lifts that come after, but that is not very important. After his lifts he chows down on protein and food, and through the rest of the day eats 2500 Calories, including plenty of protein. He does this for 60 days.

What is the effect in your opinion after 60 days on A and B?

(My guess is as follows: A sees great fat loss in the first 5-10 days, and isn't even that hungry. Actually shortly thereafter, lacking any form of exercise, his body starts ditching his muscles. His basal metabolic rate slows to a crawl - and he's lethargic, too - and basically ends the 60 days skinny fat. While he's thinner than he started, he looks a lot worse.

My guess for B is that this is an awesome program: every day the pounds absolutely shed off, in the beginning he's losing 2 lbs of pure fat per week. His gains are pretty slow, since his body doesn't know what to do. However, overall he does end up with a bit more muscle after 60 days than he started with. Having lost so much fat, though, he is absolutely ripped. He looks like a model.)

Okay, now your guesses.

from Forums - Nutrition


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