Stomach cramps!

Hi all, not a great subject to speak about, but I'm after some advice.
A few months ago I tightened my diet up and started training harder again. After easing myself back in I started to get a little more serious and began logging my foods and changed my workout etc

A few weeks ago I noticed that wholemeal bagels are actually pretty decent for before and aftery workouts and fairly convenient for work. I started eating 2 a day with a variety of healthy fillings from turkey and advicado to crayfish tail, chicken etc. I started in a new building about 2.5 weeks ago and around 9 days ago I set off the fire alarm with the toaster lol, so since then I haven't used the toaster, this is when I first noticedy issue

I had an untoasted bagel and went and did a weight session, did a myprotein impact whey (I'm around 0.5kg left from 2.5kg bag) came back showered etc and had the other bagel around 2pm. A little later I felt cramped, not bad but like I needed the toilet so I went. Couple of days later the same thing, so I looked it up and assumed it was runners cramp.

Last week the cramps got worse, more so around 3pm and 5pm. I went to the gym Saturday with a toasted bagel in the evening with no problems, and rest day Sunday, again no issues. Came to work Monday same routine, bang, cramps 3pm and 5pm worst I'd had! Had to lay in bed for an hour when I got home, once it passed I was fine, went and did a 5 mile run all good.

Tuesday I started trying to work out what the triggers were. First thing I cut out was the bagels, still got cramps that evening, around 5pm last til around 8.30pm

Wednesday, I switched out my normal 3 egg omelette breakfast for overnight oats. still no bagels but the cramps hit at midday, so now I'm thinking maybe it's coffee, so I laid off the coffee went to the gym and had no issues last night.

This morning, I had overnight oats with a scoop of impact whey and zero coffee. Cramps started at 8.15 and have just eased off. Right now I don't have a clue what's causing it. Generally speaking my diet is

Veg omelette breakfast
Morning snack of turkey in bagel or similar
Banana around 11am
Gym 12pm
Impact whey around 1pm
Bagel/wrap/grains and light meat/fish at 2pm
3pm mixed nuts around 25g, ***e yogurt
7pm evening meal, veg, grains white meat
11pm myprotein overnight recovery

I'm 195lbs, km taking in approx 190 - 230g protein a day, 2400 calls, pretty even split on fats/carbs

All my carbs for 2 months have been wholemeal, grains, potato etc. I've cut back on oily fish but still have it once a week and fill in with tuna for work convenience.

Anyone have any ideas? I'm suspecting the whey protein right now, but I have had this bag around 5 weeks with no prior issues

from Forums - Nutrition

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