Help with calorie intake for BB.

Hey all,

About me: I'm 36, 6ft tall and apparently according to the machine at my gym I used today I am 79.5kg and 19.5% B.F.

It said my BMR is 1830 (ish).

I go to the gym doing Vikings U/L split 4 days a week from the workout section stickies on here. Each day takes me about 1 hr 15-30 min.

Can anyone advise on how much calories I should be taking in on a daily basis? As the TDEE calculators vary, some say I'm 2200... others 2700 or 2800. So it's difficult to say what to do.

I've been taking in roughly 2500 calories, 180g protein, 250g carbs and 80g fats each day since I started 2 weeks ago. I've defintely put on size in these 2 weeks, noticeable already on my arms especially.

I'm a skinny fat frame who really wants to shift that belly fat, but not sure if 2500 is too low and I should really be at 2800 or even 3000 to build muscle and forget about shifting the fat or recomposition right now and just lean bulk until I've put on significant size?

Appreciate any input. Just want to do it right.

from Forums - Nutrition


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