Starting lean bulk

Alright boys I have a question. I finished up my cut not too long ago and started my lean bulk last week. This entire week I was eating 3000 calories and my ratio between carbs/proteins/fats are 40/40/20. I had a little trouble calculating my maintenance due to the fact I’m a college student and such so I didn’t really know if I should put “active” or “lightly active”. So I went off of 2700 for maintenance and was eating 3000. Well I started my lean bulk at around 155-156 and I’m looking to gain a pound a week. Well I’m weighing in at almost 160 within a week and I don’t know how. I’m assuming most is just water and such. My definition has decrease a good bit too (probably due to water retention). So seeing this I’ve dropped my calories down to 2800, going off of a 2500 maintenance caloric intake which I think is more reasonable but I really don’t know for sure. If you all could give me some feedback and what you all think I should do I would really appreciate it! Stay swole boys.

from Forums - Nutrition

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