First time making meal plan; check my macros + answer basic questions.

so since nobody except one spammer replied to my post in workout plan sub forum:
"Help with workout plan. Getting back in shape after injury and time off."
I decided to do 6 times per week PPL by Jeff Nippard.

I used to work as a waiter 5days/week averaging 16000 steps during my 3h ish shift. Regularly went climbing for two hours once a week.
Eating about 1900calories (usually at least one big clean food, but not rarely I got big portion of the calories from simple sugar sources like sodas) per day I stayed at about 62Kg (136.7lb) 168cm (5"5') pretty lean.
Now that I changed to sedentary work (IT) and I didn't change my eating much, I started to gain a little bit of fat.

My goal is to get to 70-80kg which should be possible to achieve in 3-5years.
Since with moderate daily activity my maintenance calories were in the 1900-2000. I do not have active work anymore but my chosen workout program seems to have a bit higher volume (22 sets per workout day) I assume my calorie goal should be about 2300?

That would make:
Protein: >= 117g (20.3% daily calories) (0.82g per lb assuming 65kg body weight)
Fats: ~102.2g (40%)
Carbs: ~228g (39.7%)

How did I come up with those numbers? Mennohenselmans and some other sources backed up why 0.82g/lb of protein is enough. I took the upper limit of recommended intake of fats, for two reasons 1) I usually can not eat much volume of food, so this should help me to hit my macros 2) I think I have read that high fat diets hel with producing more testosteron?; Then I just added the rest in carbs.

Now I know I will have to change my lifestyle. Ditch most of the simple carbs (soda, beer) and generally start eating clean(-er). I want to stop with caffeine too, as I have read it lowers the efficiency of creatine.
The problem I have is convertinh the macros into a meal plan.

1) How do you approach cooking for the day? Do you decide as a base what you want to eat for lunch and dinner and then just try to figure out how to hit the daily macros in the rest of the meals? Or do you use some app that tells u what to cook to hit the macros? Or..?
2) Can I as a last ressort use CFM Whey Protein if I fail to cook for the day, or is it less than optimal?
3) How should my breakfast look like considering I will be most of the days working out at 6AM before work/college? I was thinking right as I wake up, drink a glass of water (milk slows digestion) with hydro protein and overnight chia seeds (low gi carbs) + some frozen fruit (fructose = faster carbs?). But then I read that before workout you should not spike your insulin..?
4) What do you use to track/check for food macros? Myfitnesspal? nutritiondata(dot)self(dot)com? Other?
5) What to eat before bed? Ok, that was answered prolly 100times - cottage, but I do not rly like cheeses. Can I substitute for Quark? maybe combined with some frozen fruit, bit of sugar and some cream?
6) I want to give plasma for money. In my state I can do that once per two weeks. They say, 24h in advance I should eat little to no fats tho. How should I treat the diet? Or should I just not sell my plasma? The "donnation" should also be on my 7th day when I do not work out I guess.
7) As I do not easily gain fat when I am active, I guess it should be fairly ok, to lets say 2-4x a month, go and eat some unhealthy things with friends (burger fries...), as long as I have enough calories and protein for that day?
8) I am baking my own bread - can I just get the macros of stuff I put in and calculate the macros for the bread? I am making rye multiseed, so that should be healthy carbs+fats, right?

Supplements I bought and why:
a) Hydro whey protein (to eat in the morning and after training - just a little to get some fast nutrition)
b) Creatine - When I used to train grappling it helped me to feel rly good even after intensive trainings; and helped me lift more
c) BCAA - to drink 5g before 5g during and 5g after training - same reason as for the creatine
d) Multivitamin + mineral - I got Reflex Nexgen Pro, because I feel it will be hard for me to change my eating habits, and didn't want to bother tracking micros until I feel comfortable hitting macros consistently. Ofc I will eat veggies and fruit, but this should give me some slack. I have problem tho - the english version of leafled said I should take 3 tablets/day, the czech version claims to take one. This confuses me. Can you check the values and tell me how many to take please? I figured out, taking two + fruit and veggies should be safe option.

I might add some questions later if I forgot to ask about something I was confused about.
Thanks in advance for any replies and hopefully advices.

from Forums - Nutrition

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