Continue on a steady lean bulk or switch to a hardgainer dirty bulk for 6-12 months

Hi, I am 18 years old, 132LB, 5 9’ and have gotten most of the basics down in weightlifting as I started lean bulking in November of this year at around 10-11% BF but I feel as if most of my compounds lifts are too weak at my age even though I followed a good lean bulk diet for 6 months with a cut to finish it off.

My question is whether I should risk a dirty bulk or see food diet while training 6-7 times a week on a PPL training split for the next 6-12 months so my lifts actually improve to the point where I am justifiably strong enough to cut down or just continue on a steady lean bulk???

My Strongest lifts are:

Incline bench 115 for 4 reps
Deadlift 240 for 4 reps
Bench 35 for 6 reps
Squat 195 for 4 reps

from Forums - Nutrition

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