Help transitioning from a bulk to a cut


I've searched around for this but I cannot seem to find an answer (though I'm sure it's out there somewhere) so I'm hoping to get some help.

I'm a 6'1 male around 80kg. I've been bulking for about 4 months now following about 10 months of body recomping (coming from skinny-fat).

I'm currently eating around 3300 calories daily. I was previously increasing calories in a reverse-dietting style but have been on 3300 for about a month now and seem to still be steadily gaining. I'm now ready to start cutting.

Watching Derek (moreplatesmoredates) on YouTube, he says to gradually reduce calories at each plateau after initially starting in a deficit of 200-300 calories. I'm fine with this but my question is: in order to start in a deficit, do I immediately jump from what I believe is a surplus in to this 300 calorie deficit. E.G going from 3300 calories daily to 2700 or 2500 (I'm not exactly sure how big my current surplus is).

I'm aprehensive to make a drastic change so suddenly at the risk of losing muscle, so I'm not sure if I should begin with a 300 calorie drop from what I'm eating now.

TLDR: When starting a cut coming from a bulk at 3300 calories, what should my starting calories be on day 1 of my cut in order to minimize muscle-loss.


from Forums - Nutrition


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