Bad diet and recurring injuries

How much would a bad diet result in you being very injury-prone? bear in mind Im 33 years old

I feel like these last few years have revolved around visits to PTs and doing corrective exercises. Mainly for joint / tendon problems

A few of the injuries are from a few years ago and I can see where I went wrong, but they've been really stubborn and keep coming back, despite all the rehab exercises I've been given from PTs.

Also some of the problems Im getting seem to have just come outta nowhere, the most recent one being what seems like aggravation of the nerves in my forearms.

My diet over these last few years has been shocking. I kept thinking I'd just start eating clean again once I'm injury-free, but I kinda feel like I'm stuck in a rut, and now I'm thinking all this junk food may be part of the reason my injuries have been so stubborn?

I always heard that you should avoid eating junk food, but I never really took any notice due to my fast metabolism.

Might it be a good idea to finally rethink my diet?

from Forums - Nutrition


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