Would i get better results with protein powder?

I am currently cutting and getting 0.7g per lb from food, i don't eat meat most of my protein comes from, bread,peanut,butter,milk,cheese,pasta,cereal. sometimes i only get around 15g per meal, ( i eat a lot of small meals as i find it easiest to stick to my diet that way) for example for breakfast i may have cheerios with milk and it comes to 15g protein. or a cheese sandwich on wholemeal bread again around 15g protein, i was told that i should get more in each meal and that 15g from such sources isn't good? is this true? i don't have much money so don't want to buy protein powders if its not going to really make a difference?

just noticed it says my age is 50, i never input my age? my age is actually 34 thanks.

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/36ln9Ee


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