Calorie Increase

From October to December I dropped from 174 pounds to 150 through HIIT training and completely changed my diet and chucked the old habits. Take away, chocolate, crisps were all a daily occurrence. Fizzy juice was probably at least 4 cans a day.

I started the training and I was roughly eating approx 1400 calories a day during this period.Then for the month of December I started lifting weights as a total beginner and am now doing a 4 day split. I dropped to 148 pounds to begin with but I have started increasing my calories and am now approx 153 pounds and looking to put on weight but in a good way unlike what I was like before. I dont have a specific weight in mind and instead of focusing on the scales will just keep an eye visually.

4 day Split
Shoulders/ Bi's

I'm looking to hit 2500 calories now then from there move onto approx 3000 but am conscious about not putting on too much fat in the process.

My diet now consists mainly of the following:

Breakfast: Whey Protein Shake with water, oat cereal with skimmed milk, banana
Snack: Protein yogurt and 2 rice cake
Lunch: Brown Bread with Topside of Beef and can of pepsi max
Snack: Whey Protein Shake with water after gym
Dinner: Salmon or Chicken with Sweet potatoes. Water
Snack: 2 oatcakes with 1 teaspoon of natural peanut butter
Snack: Whey protein shake before bed

Throw in the odd something and am hitting approx 2000 calories with it looking approx 200g of protein, 180g carbs etc.

Just wondering if there anything you would add, change and what the best examples would be to hit that 2500 plus mark and shoukd I worry about the amount of sodium, iron etc I am consuming as with the above I know it can be quite high at times.

Apologies for the length of the above post and I have been trying to read as much as the threads as possible before posting, just looking to see if I am on the right path.


Ps am 30 dont know why it says 50.

from Forums - Nutrition

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