1,000 calorie surplus

I've scoured the internet looking for information on people who have tried 1,000 calorie surpluses at least for a time and especially when untrained or within the first 6 months of hitting the weights.

I have been doing a 1,000 calorie surplus while working on the LSUS program (includes some olympic lifting). I have also thrown in time restricted eating and eat all my calories in a 6-7 hour window. I have noticed what feels like "good" overall growth in the first phase of this program while eating all these cals. But I don't seem to notice much fat gain (I see some...).

The ONLY place on the whole web where I could find anything about eating a 1,000 calorie surplus was on the starting strength forum where all of Rippetoes following discuss SS. They ONLY spoke highly of eating a 1,000 calorie surplus and said that it helps them a great deal with recovery.

I don't get it... of course if someone is an entire 18 months into training since initially being untrained, it doesn't seem like a 1,000 calorie surplus would be as beneficial, but for me it seems to be working. I'm getting stronger (sometimes significantly) everytime I hit an LSUS workout (I was training hard for a good 5 weeks prior) and they are so grueling that eating a measly 500 calorie surplus as someone who is essentially a beginner lifter doesn't seem like enough. I don't think that I'd be able to hack these workouts without the 1,000 calorie surplus.

In conclusion... yea got it, eating a surplus of more than 500 calories wont help intermediate and advanced lifters who are looking to keep fat gain down... cool, but what I'm experiencing (been eating this "HYOOGELY UNNECESSARY" surplus for about 3 weeks now and my pants fit the exact damn same lol) is little fat gain and consistent / noticeable progressions at a workout program (LSUS program - originally created for Kendrick Farris) that I don't think I should even be able to do!

What are yalls thoughts and does ANYONE have links to more discussios, debate or better yet STUDIES on 800 - 1000 calorie surpluses?

p.s. I know everyone and their cat believes fat gain is as simple as calories in vs. calories out... I DON'T. Read the most recent studies on refined/ man made sugars. Maybe it is worthwhile mentioning that I am doing time restricted eating and eating scarcely ANY sugar since starting the 1,000 cal surplus.

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/36nkGZO


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