Need meal advise for busy work schedule

So I work 8 hours a day at a pretty busy location. I don't have time to eat, at all. As an example as to how busy we are; I brought 6 hard boiled eggs to work today. Had them right with me at my desk. In the whole day, I only managed to eat 3. Ate the final 3 once I clocked out at the end of the day. And no, I don't get lunch breaks (obviously).

Obviously, this is screwing with my body. Typically I do have enough time to eat the eggs, but it's a rushed affair. But that's the type of items I am looking for. It's often, "Duck down, quickly toss an egg into my mouth, choke it down before I get hit with my next task." I am thinking about buying protein bars, but those are so bad for you. They are basically candy bars with protein. They are filled with sugar.

Any advice is appreciated.

from Forums - Nutrition

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