Correct Protein intake

Hi guys!

I’m new here! My name is Natalie, I’m a 34 year old female from Johannesburg South Africa.

I recently took up this health and fitness journey to get my body back 2 years after having my daughter. I always had the fastest metabolism and was one of those annoyingly blessed people who could eat whatever I wanted and not gain an ounce! That all changed after my pregnancy. I am still small. 5.1” tall and last I weighed myself in June I was 45kg but I have a huge amount of body fat on my tummy and thighs and cellulite in every imaginable place you could think of! Who knew you could get cellulite on your shins! HAHA!! *cringe*

Anyway. I signed up at a gym and hired a personal trainer. I have been eating super clean (with the odd naughty cup of hot chocolate here and there) but otherwise I’ve been strict! I train weights 3x per week with this trainer and loving it. Problem is, I’m not sure how much protein I’m meant to consume.

I worked out that for my body weight I should be consuming about 36grams protein per day but now that I’m training, do I increase that amount? And by how much? I feel a bit frustrated as my trainer has given me some pretty “wishy washy” answers around this. I feel like I’m not being taken seriously and I’m not sure why because I’m working really hard at this and not showing any signs of being noncommittal to my training.

Please can someone with adequate knowledge give me correct advice on my protein intake. Too much or too little could be problematic in my results.

Thanks everyone :)

from Forums - Nutrition

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