Starting back up, bulk or cut (Pics included)

Hey everyone,
I'm looking for honest opinions on what I should be doing. I've been working out very on and off for roughly 10 years but never really amounted to much. I've never had any real knowledge on what I was doing right and what I was doing wrong. I've just kind of picked a workout routine that I liked and tried to stay on a meal routine/meet my macros, but always ended up failing.

I'm aware of what macros are and how to properly perform exercises, but just need some guidance from you guys, who are much more experienced in this field to help me out with what I should be doing to obtain a better body.

Ideally, I would like to gain muscle mass and be somewhat lean, but am not looking for a 6 pack.

My stats are :

27 years old

Here are the pictures, please let me know on what you think I should be doing in terms of bulking or cutting along with any other advice you have for me such as an exercise program or dietary suggestions.

Thanks a lot.
Attached Images

from Forums - Nutrition

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