Stalled weight gain

Hi All,

I'm seeing something odd on my bulk that I'm not sure I know how to explain.

Been trying to bulk cleanly this past year, shooting for 0.5lbs/week gain. I've tracked all my nutrition and recorded weight daily. For last 8months of data, my average has been 0.66lbs/week (332cal surplus). Pretty steady and predictable graph.

8 weeks ago, I made one small change. Removed 50g carbs and replaced with 50g protein. To bring my protein to 1g/lb (185g). Rest of diet stayed exactly the same. I eat the same meal-prepped meals every week.

Having done this, my weight gain has completely stalled. Trends over the last 6 weeks show I've put on 0.5lbs total, which is negligable.

I'm sure I'm missing something, but can't figure out why a 1 to 1 switch from carb-protein would change my rate of gain?

from Forums - Nutrition


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