Pasta at night = Bad Sleep!

Just thought I'd share a recent discovery. I like mince and pasta at night for dinner sometimes, and noticed with almost 100% correlation that I take ages to get to sleep (like >1hour) and then have a bad sleep.

I didn't think anything of it to start with. I thought to myself that Pasta is a low GI carb and wouldn't spike my blood sugar before bed so it must be good right??

Wrong - Turns out there are a few studies where they've gotten participants to have Low GI carbs 4hours before bed and another group to have High Gi foods like white rice before bed and there'a massive difference in how fast fall asleep


SUMMARY - High GI Carbs, (like White rice, white potatoes,) are digested quickly, spike blood sugar, release insulin, which in-turn causes your body to release some other hormone, that actually HELP you get to sleep quicker.
Low GI (like Pasta) carbs may cause you to take longer to get to sleep and then have a bad sleep

This seems a bit un-intuitive, but this has proven exactly right for me! This may not apply to everyone. I'm just sharing my experience and a study to back it up. This might be helpful for some people :)

from Forums - Nutrition

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