Nutrition/Workout help

I’m here to share my story involving fitness as well as get critiques about what i’ve been doing, and what I should do better. To start I want to let everyone know that I used to be significantly overweight at around 230 lbs at around age 13. I wanted to change that so I began to walk, and eventually run as well as eat healthier. At age 17 i’m down to 148, and have been working out for about a year/two now without the results I wanted. My daily diet is as follows: eggs/apple for breakfast, oikos triple zero protein yogurt, and a chicken wrap with mayo for lunch, a nugo stronger protein bar before working out, and whatever my family cooks for dinner typically healthy proteins. My workout schedule has been going to the gym every other day and running on the days I don’t go to the gym. I run around 3 miles recently as well as walking my dog around 2. When I workout I have 3 specific days: biceps, back/triceps, legs. After I do each individual workout I also have an ab routine. For biceps I do curls, bar curls, rope curls, rope pullback, seated curls, and pull ups. For triceps I tricep pulldown, bench, side wings, overhead tricep, pec fly, reverse pec fly, tricep pushes, and pull machine. For legs I deadlift using the hex bar, dumbell lunge, Russian pulls, leg push up machine, leg push down the machine. After I do the first part of my workout which takes around an hour I do the second part abs. For abs I do 3 sets of this routine "the best ab routine for a six pack" from this website as well as planks, leg flutters, ab crunch machines, box jumps, and more. What I’m concerned about is I’m just not seeing the results that I’m looking for. Yes I did lose a lot of weight and gain muscle but the problem is i’m not gaining muscle quickly and i'm skinny fat for the most part, I’m not getting any stronger, I’m not more toned with a six-pack which is my ultimate goal, and I’ve strained myself a few times lifting more than I could handle. What should I change about my diet, exercise routine, and cardio schedule? Thanks.

from Forums - Nutrition

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