How many calories does weightlifting burn?

Hey so I tracked my calories yesterday because I want to go on a lean bulk (200-300 cals above maintenance) and yesterday I calculated 2750 calories thinking I'm above maintenance, keep in mind I worked out for around 1 hour, however I woke up a a lighter weight today of 67.2kg compared to 67.5kg. (Weighed around same time and after pissing/****ting).

I am really surpised that 2750 is below my maintenace even though I'm quite small (67kg 5'9). I'm thinking I need to go about 3000 calories for my lean bulk but I feel like it's going to be hard to consume those calories as healthy foods and I don't want to eat junk food.
How many calories do you think around 1 hour of weightlifting burns, with 2 min rest times between sets, I don't do any cardio.

from Forums - Nutrition


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