Hardgainer insulin what is wrong with my body?


26 year old and have been lifting for a while.
I have always been a hardgainer and can loose a lot of weight very quickly. Since I have always been skinny I never really paid so much attention to nutrition before.
However last year I started bulking with A lot of white rice chicken and some pasta. I did not have much refined sugar but a lot of white rice and not much vegtables.
I did gain a lot of weight and muscle but overtime I developed issues with my stomach. IBS,Sibo,food intolernces, constipation, heart palpations, mood swings etc.
Switched up my diet to a high fiber diet, cutting out almost all refined carbs. My stomach issues improved, my skin improved a lot, and as soon as I switched from white rice to brown all the hart palpations went away.
Unfortunely I lost SO much weight and muscle rapidly when I started the high fiber diet and I have been trying to gain that back the healthy way but I can not put on any weight.

When I was on the low fiber/white rice bulking diet I started gaining weight around 2800-3000 kcal.
Now I have worked myself up to 3200 kcal with good whole foods but nothing happens, it even feels like Im loosing weight/muscle. It is crazy..

With the 3200 diet I get around 35 grams of fiber and I eat around 25-30 grams of sugar a day coming from natural sources(one fruit per day and sweet potatoe etc).
I have had some cheat days and on these days I have consumed less calories but more sugar and on those days it feels like I am actually gaining weight.

Macros: 3200 kcal

What is going on? Do I need to get higher insulin levels by eating a little more sugar or what should I do? I honeslty feel so much better on the whole food diet and will never go back but how the heck can I gain back the weight?

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2QLCUyN

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