Gaining weight by any means necessary

Hey guys,

I dont want this to be a whiny post or a desperate post whatsoever. I am just wondering at this point whether under the given circumstances it is possible for me to gain any weight. And I am interested in experimenting with any ideas you might have just out of curiosity for the answer to this question.

My body figure is pretty much the same since I was 13. 183cm/6 feet tall, 55 kg/110 pounds light. I am 21 years old now.

Obviously I have gotten used to it, but I would like to gain weight, any weight. Doesnt have to be muscle, at this point I would love to be heavier even if it was fat. If I know that I can gain weight at all, I can start thinking about turning it into muscle.

So, what is the given framework?

- very little appetite. If I went only by what my appetite, I would probably eat around 1100 kcal per day and not care about it. I can go well into late afternoon without feeling any hunger and at most a tiny bit of appetite whereas all of my colleagues have burning hunger at around 12:30 or 13:00.

- very little stomach capacity. At around 1/2 of a normal main course portion, I feel totally stuffed. I like food and eating, but after that point its a marathon for me. Note that my colleagues eat the entire portion + appetizer, side dishes and dessert and only then might feel full at all. If I continue eating beyond the point of feeling sated I get nauseated and start gagging at every or every other spoon or fork I eat. Now I know that some might say "you have to force yourself even beyond the gag reflex" but I if really do push myself that far, I run the risk of actually having to vomit. And if that happens, EVERYTHING is coming out and the work of the last 1-2 hours might be totally wasted. I dont know if it is worth that risk.

- slow/very slow eating. Even if I were totally hungry and ate the same amount, it would take me about double the time and I dont even know why. Even if I dont conversate and only concentrate on eating, EVERYONE is still faster than me except for my 93 year old grandma. Maybe everyone has a second set of teeth behind their normal ones? Note that this does NOT yet include the insane amount of time I spend after feeling totally full on eating the rest very slowly in order to not have anything thrown away. I eat what I put on my plate/tray unless I absolutely hate its taste, because I dont want to miss out on the calories. This can make the entire thing last 2 hours easily, for what others need around 30-40 minutes.

- protein shakes, the ones that I tasted had such an utterly disgusting taste that it was definitely a task of getting it down. After a while I found a drink that is highly concentrated (3.2 kcal per milliliter) that I could order online and to which taste I could accustom myself. That said, drinking one bottle (= 400 kcal) makes me replete for the next hour or so. Drinking too few of these bottles per day gets me nowhere near 3000 kcal (which in theory I would like to consume per day) but drinking too many makes my feces become somewhat diarrhea-ish which makes me think that it doesnt actually get absorbed and just passes through. Needless to say, experimenting with that drink didnt make me gain weight anyhow.

- I dont think that I have some medical condition (f.e. hyperthyroidism), because the other symptoms of those conditions dont apply to me

- doing sports doesnt seem to increase my appetite. After working out I dont feel hungry and if I eat I have the above mentioned problems as usually

- multiple small meals per day dont seem to work because if I eat a small meal, its gonna make me feel full for the next 2-3 hours. This is even only an option if I can in fact eat the meal in that short amount of time of whatever break I am taking which is usually not the case. Usually, the meals that I would have wanted to eat throughout the day pile up for the evening because I dont have enough time and/or are still full from the previous small meal.

- I have heard and read a ridiculous contradictory variety of tips:
"drink water because the hydration will help you/dont drink water because it will fill up your stomach"
"eat rich foods like rice, bread, noodles, potatoes and so on, because protein is what people eat to gain weight/dont eat thrice, bread, noodles, potatoes, rather eat others that are vitamin-rich, because you wont be able to eat an effective amount of those fiber and protein-rich foods with such a limited stomach capacity"
"drink milk, bodybuilders do it/dont drink milk, rather water"
"eat eggs, they help you gain weight/dont eat eggs, they get recommended to people who want to lose weight"

- speaking of drinking water, there are points many times during the meal where I feel like I have to drink water, otherwise I wont be able to get the food down, but I can feel how heavily the water fills my stomach. After I drink a glass of water, I dont feel like eating for at least 5 minutes, maybe 10 minutes before I feel like some space has been made available in my stomach.

Those were all the hurdles that I could think of at this time that I have observed over the years. Again, not whining, its just become a curious situation at this point that I wanted to ask those that are passionate about on a forum.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Thanks a lot in advance for any ideas.

from Forums - Nutrition

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