my best self


I am currently 19 years old, 6', 195lbs, and a sophomore in college. Throughout high school I lead an active life as I played club lacrosse year round and school football. In high school I was around 175lb but still felt like I had a bit of belly fat and never had any truly defined abs. On days that I did not have practice or a game, I would be in the gym lifting weights. I trained with my schools wrestling teacher who taught me both basic and advanced lifts. In fact, I have a whole template which focuses on a different body part each day. At the time I was focusing on chest, shoulders, back, arms, and legs, which would usually put me in the gym anywhere from 3-4 days a week since I would combine/superset different body parts. Although I now follow the 5x5 program because of my limited schedule. Throughout all of this intensity I never really noticed a huge change in my body, in the sense that I was never "fat" nor could I become as cut/muscular as I wanted to be. I did not realize It at the time but I believe this was a direct result of poor diet.

In my freshman year of college my rate of activity and exercise went down. I was no longer playing lacrosse or any sport for that matter, I did not have an urge to go lift and thus my body changed for the worse. Due to lack of exercise, poor diet, and stress, I peaked at 220lb in February 2019 which is the most I have ever weighed. This lead me to start eating less (a meal per day) and allowed me to lose some weight, but I was not happy.

Looking at the years of my life that have passed has made me realize that I was never truly happy with my body. Grinding for countless hours and pushing myself to be the best I can be has lead close to nowhere. I believe my diet is what has held me back from achieving my goals, and that is why I am now here in hopes to find help.

I do not have an appetite and it is very rare that I will feel "hungry" so it is common for me to eat 1-2 times a day, which I know I need to change. When I do eat, I usually consume whole and unprocessed foods, my meal preps consist of 4oz protein such as chicken breast, ground turkey, or salmon, and 8oz of vegetable such as brusselsprout, cauliflower, or broccoli. This puts each meal at about 300 calories, and if I eat two of these a day thats only 600 calories yet I will not feel hungry. Additionally, I have been finding meat less and less appealing, Im interested in eating at a lower trophic level and perhaps even trying a vegetarian approach. I also focus on only eating in the time frame of 12pm-7pm since I have heard that this is effective in weight loss. Lastly, Im an avid water drinker and will consume around 70-100 fluid oz a day.

Either way, I am done blindly chasing my goals. I want to lose fat, become more defined, start putting on serious muscle, and most importantly be happy. I am forever grateful to those who can give me any advice, tips, recommendations, etc. I am ready to be my best self.

from Forums - Nutrition

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