is it good or bad to fast a heavy lifting workout?

hello guys, i am 193cm weight roughly 87kg. i am trying to do OMAD (one meal a day )every day, in a bad day i'm doing 20-4 hours fasting and with a good day i am doing 48-72 hours fast..
i lost about 10kg since i started this intermittent fasting method about 3.5-4 months. i could lost more but there was some weeks which i ate too much and trained too little..
so lately i started to focus with lifting heavy weights and focus only with this ( before i was focused with lifting medium weights and swimming) but now i am trying to focus only with this.
I have to mention that i am able to go to the gym only every 1 week e.g. 1 week i have all week the gym and the week after i don't have gym at all (due the army) it might be the reason for not that heavy pr weights.
my pr weights are:
bench press-100kg
pull up-32.5 kg
usually i train heavy at night after my last and first meal which is the same due the one meal a day method, and i wanted to ask you guys: if is it necessary to eat
something after the heavy lifting?
i never feel hungry after i'm doing a heavy lifting workout and i feel like i gain weight if i eat after it from one side, but from the other side i'm afraid that i will loose
muscle if i won't eat due the workout.

can someone give me an advice what to do better be with a scientific proof.

thank you guys

from Forums - Nutrition

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