Advice Please! Nutrition Recommendations?

Age - 17
Height - 6"
Weight - 121.3lbs

I never took nutition seriously for years my parents would give me money for lunch and I would go out and buy packets of sugary sweets, chocolate and pepsi... and told them I would buy a normal lunch of sandwiches ect... (I'm ashamed to admit it) I cannot hide from the truth that I'm ****ing lanky, unhealthy and really really urged and motivated to change. I have an extremely fast metabolism and burn around 2000kcals a day so would this be suitable for me?

(Daily) Consisting of:

150g protein
350g carbs
45g fat (healthy fats found in avacados ect)
(least amount of sugar possible)

I workout 3 times a week to begin with until I gain strength. Monday - Tuesday - Saturday.

Side Note: I stay away from supplements, including protein shakes as it makes gag and feel ****ing sick. I also stay away from red meats as they are a great % cause of cancer, bowel disease and other diseases.

I am a student so any decent cheap healthy food recommendations would be great. (I'm from and live in London for the record.)

Currently foods on my list are -

Brown Rice - 2 cups a day
Quaker Oats - breakfast everyday
Eggs - 21 a week - 3 a day
Avacados - one everyday.
Tuna - Canned with sunflower oil - high in mercury so only around twice a week.
green lentils - everyday - extreamly high in protein.

Any suggestions or edits would be greatly appreciated. <3 ty.

from Forums - Nutrition

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