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Leprosy drug to treat cancer? Doctors hunt for new uses of old medicines

CDRI in Lucknow, scientists recently found that certain leprosy drugs might help treat myeloma, a type of blood cancer.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Cholesterol in eggs bad?

Currently lean bulking and i literally eat 5 whole eggs every single day, should i be concerned?

from Forums - Nutrition

Food Faceoff: Unique Ice Cream Semis

These 13 unique Ice Cream flavors all received 9 or more votes this week.

Please choose up to 6 that you like for the Finals tomorrow:

Black Walnut


Sweet Corn

Salty Caramel Cashew

Tutti Frutti

Beet Red Velvet Cheesecake

Potato Chip Caramel Cupcake

Sweet Potato Casserole & Maple Pecans

from Forums - Nutrition

Useful supplements

Any of you guys remember there was a website that listed supplements and rated them regarding their effectiveness if any?

I’m curious about CLA, Zinc, Yohimbe etc. Saw this old study that showed it to be having some effect for fat loss:

To the best of your knowledge what supposed are worth it? Creatine comes to mind as proven effective to, as Eric Helms put it “maybe give you that one extra rep” ... But still...

from Forums - Nutrition

Starting lean bulk

Alright boys I have a question. I finished up my cut not too long ago and started my lean bulk last week. This entire week I was eating 3000 calories and my ratio between carbs/proteins/fats are 40/40/20. I had a little trouble calculating my maintenance due to the fact I’m a college student and such so I didn’t really know if I should put “active” or “lightly active”. So I went off of 2700 for maintenance and was eating 3000. Well I started my lean bulk at around 155-156 and I’m looking to gain a pound a week. Well I’m weighing in at almost 160 within a week and I don’t know how. I’m assuming most is just water and such. My definition has decrease a good bit too (probably due to water retention). So seeing this I’ve dropped my calories down to 2800, going off of a 2500 maintenance caloric intake which I think is more reasonable but I really don’t know for sure. If you all could give me some feedback and what you all think I should do I would really appreciate it! Stay swole boys.

from Forums - Nutrition

Iron-Rich Diet: Make This Palak (Spinach) Paratha for A Nutritional Meal

Palak paratha is all you need to treat yourself and your family to a full-of-health meal for breakfast

from NDTV Food - Latest

First time bulking on 3500 calories and not gaining weight

Im working out for 6 years but till now i didnt had any bulk period(i was too scared to loose my six packs (stupid kid) and now im 1 month bulking on 3500 calories clean lifting 6 times a week and 1 day only cardio 30 minutes and abs 20 minutes

My program:
Monday: Legs(only quadriceps 5 exercises)
Tuesday: Chest(bench press and incline bench press main exercises,5 exercises) biceps 4 exercises
Wednesday: shoulders 5 exercises and triceps 4 exercises)
Thursday: back deadlift main exercise,5 exercises) and traps 15 minutes till failure
Friday:leg(hamstring) 5 exercises
Saturday:chest (with dumbbell only)5 exercises and calves
Sunday:cardio on incline treadmill(35 minutes) and abs 20 minutes
In the day im active and make above 10 000 steps.
My meal plan:
Meal 1:
3 whole eggs and 2 whites only
100 grams onion
150 grams mushrooms
20g ketchup
Whole weat bread 100 grams(3 slices:42.8 g carbs,1.1g fat and 11.8g protein)
1 tsp coconut oil
Banana raw 119g

Calories 741
Meal 2:
Elite layer bar white choc vanilla by dymatize

Calories 218
Meal 3:
250 grams od chicken breast (65 grams protein 3.8 fat on 250 grams)
125 g of long grain rice(100 g carbs 8.4 g protein) 3 hours before workout

Calories 742
Meal 4: pre workout
Banana raw 121 g
Rice cakes whole pack 81.4g carbs

Calories 491
Meal 5: post workour
100 g oats
2 scoops scietec nutrition whey protein professional
50 grams gluten free cornflakes

Calories: 763

Snack: 1 free sugar digstive cookie
Calories 46

Meal 6: before bed
150 grams cottage cheese
40 grams peanut butter natural

Calories 495
Macros: Protein: 246g carbs: 430g
Fat: 85
My workouts are all HIIT and last 2 1hour 40 minutes-2 hours

1 month on this diet i was 84.8,today 82.8.Im messuring myself every morning after using toilet.Im 183cm high

Any suggestions what should i change with food or training will be welcome,im here to learn so dont judge me.

from Forums - Nutrition

Calcium-Rich Diet: Best Calcium-Rich, Dairy-Free Meals For Vegan Diet

Here are some ideas of meals with non-dairy, calcium-rich foods that you can include in your diet.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Weight Loss Diet: 'Fat And Feast' Strategy May Help Lose Extra Fat

This system of alternate days of fasting and feasting is called alternate-day fasting (ADF)

from NDTV Food - Latest

USFDA issues response letter for new drug application for insulin glargine: Biocon

Biocon is confident of addressing these observations through a corrective and preventive action plan in a timely manner, it added.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Artificial Sweeteners May Stimulate One's Appetite To Eat More Food

The study assessed how artificial sweeteners affected the brain in altering taste perceptions and regulating appetite for food.

from NDTV Food - Latest

When It Comes To Food Allergies, How To Help Your Kids Snack Smarter

Here are a few tips for smart, safe eating at school and at home.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Line under fire➤❁주민증위조면허위조home-pay@hotmail.com민증위조❁(물건받 은후결재)over mobile stamps

Line under fire➤❁주민증위조면허위조home-pay@hotmail.com민증위조❁(물건받 은후결재)over mobile stamps mocking President Moon

Line Corp., a Japanese➤❁주민증위조면허위조home-pay@hotmail.com민증위조❁(물건받 은후결재) subsidiary of South Korea’s major portal Naver, has come under criticism for selling mobile emoticons that portrayed President Moon Jae-in in ➤❁주민증위조면허위조home-pay@hotmail.com민증위조❁(물건받 은후결재)a disparaging way.

Line hurriedly removed the stamps➤❁주민증위조면허위조home-pay@hotmail.com민증위조❁(물건받 은후결재) from its online store available in Korea and Japan after Korean users filed a complaint about the problematic mobile content.

Line took down the➤❁주민증위조면허위조home-pay@hotmail.com민증위조❁(물건받 은후결재) collection of emoticons titled “Stamps of Mr. Moon” from its online store Wednesday, shortly➤❁주민증위조면허위조home-pay@hotmail.com민증위조❁(물건받 은후결재) after getting complaints from Korean users.

The stickers, which depict President Moon in➤❁주민증위조면허위조home-pay@hotmail.com민증위조❁(물건받 은후결재) grotesque forms, sparked fury from Korean users. The character’s hair was disheveled and the eyes and mouth were shaped abnormally. Each emoticon comes with a Japanese phrase referring to the deepening➤❁주민증위조면허위조home-pay@hotmail.com민증위조❁(물건받 은후결재)diplomatic and economic disputes between Korea and Japan.

from Forums - Nutrition

[News Focus] Moon➤♬신분증위조home-pay@hotmail.com신분증위조☎(물건 받은후결재)reverts to hard line as Ja

[News Focus] Moon➤♬신분증위조home-pay@hotmail.com신분증위조☎(물건 받은후결재)reverts to hard line as Japan rejects dialogue
President Moon Jae-in on Thursday➤♬신분증위조home-pay@hotmail.com신분증위조☎(물건 받은후결재) renewed his criticism of the Japanese government, calling on Tokyo to face history, returning to his earlier hard-line stance after weeks of➤♬신분증위조home-pay@hotmail.com신분증위조☎(물건 받은후결재) calling for dialogue.

“Japan must be honest. Japan has yet to even ➤♬신분증위조home-pay@hotmail.com신분증위조☎(물건 받은후결재)state an honest reason for its economic retaliation. The Japanese government is trying to rationalize its economic retaliation by baselessly shifting its rhetoric as frequently as necessary,” Moon said, referring to➤♬신분증위조home-pay@hotmail.com신분증위조☎(물건 받은후결재) Tokyo’s removal of South Korea from its list of trusted trade partners the previous day.

“No matter what excuse it invokes as➤♬신분증위조home-pay@hotmail.com신분증위조☎(물건 받은후결재) justification, it is clear that the Japanese government has linked historical issues to economic matters. I have no other choice but to point out that its➤♬신분증위조home-pay@hotmail.com신분증위조☎(물건 받은후결재) attitude is very disingenuous.”

On Wednesday, Tokyo excluded South➤♬신분증위조home-pay@hotmail.com신분증위조☎(물건 받은후결재) Korea from its list of trusted trade partners, having rejected Seoul’s calls for dialogue and disregarded hints that Seoul’s decision on the General Security ➤♬신분증위조home-pay@hotmail.com신분증위조☎(물건 받은후결재)of Military Information Agreement could be changed if Tokyo were to retract its trade restrictions.

from Forums - Nutrition

[News Focus] Gloom➤➹운전면허증위조home-pay@hotmail.com민 증위조➤➹(물건받은후결재) hangs over Samsung ag

[News Focus] Gloom➤➹운전면허증위조home-pay@hotmail.com민 증위조➤➹(물건받은후결재) hangs over Samsung again

As South Korea’s top court on ➤➹운전면허증위조home-pay@hotmail.com민 증위조➤➹(물건받은후결재)Thursday ordered a review of the second ruling on the bribery case involving Lee Jae-yong, Samsung Electronics is again put at risk of losing its de facto leader at a critical time for the tech giant to push forward with new➤➹운전면허증위조home-pay@hotmail.com민 증위조➤➹(물건받은후결재) investments in technologies and jobs, amid harsh global trade and market conditions.

The Supreme Court dismissed➤➹운전면허증위조home-pay@hotmail.com민 증위조➤➹(물건받은후결재) the appeals court’s ruling that had cut Samsung heir Lee’s sentence from five years to 2 1/2 years and suspended the jail term for four years in its verdict on the bribery case involving the Samsung chief, former ➤➹운전면허증위조home-pay@hotmail.com민 증위조➤➹(물건받은후결재)President Park Geun-hye and her confidante Choi Sun-sil.

The top court judged that three horses➤➹운전면허증위조home-pay@hotmail.com민 증위조➤➹(물건받은후결재) worth a combined 3.4 billion won ($2.8 million) that Samsung gifted to the president’s friend Choi could be considered bribes, overturning the➤➹운전면허증위조home-pay@hotmail.com민 증위조➤➹(물건받은후결재) earlier court ruling that had excluded them.

from Forums - Nutrition

Food Faceoff: Unique Ice Cream 5

Here are 8 more unique Ice Cream flavors that ugasar again provided. Thanks again.

Please choose up to 4 that you like:

Birthday Cake And Blackberries

Congressman Blumenauer’s Fruitcake

Cream Puff

Freckled Chocolate Zucchini Bread

Hey Boo Coconut Jam & Rice Crispy Treats

Sour Patch Kids

Thai Curry Pumpkin

White Chocolate Bread Pudding

from Forums - Nutrition

mango seems to be very healthy fruits-and-fruit-juices/1952/2 (sorry cannot post any complete link for my account so added a space)

Basically you are getting all vitamins except vitamin D and B12, which you can get the remaining from milk.

from Forums - Nutrition

bulk help severely needed

hey everyone, i just started college and decided bulking would be easier with the unlimited meals. I have a few questions in order to make sure i dont just get fat. First, i play basketball every day for at least an hour sometimes 3, and my fit bit says i burned 4000 calories yesterday with the bball. Do i now have to eat at least 4500 calories to be in a surplus? I tried that yesterday and i just feel fat now since it was so much food. Also, how does that kind of extreme cardio change macros. Without it i was aiming for 210 g protein. Finally, how accurate are fit bits? should my diet and caloric intake be based of what it says i burned??

from Forums - Nutrition

14 y/o male

Hey all,

I’m 14 years old, 6’1 195lbs.
I play football and do wrestling.
I also eat a lot of junk that I know i shouldn’t be eating, but I also go to the gym 3 times a week. Is there any diets I could do to make me gain muscle faster?

-Forgot to mention I have a very high metabolism so I estimate I eat around 3500-4000 calories a day. Thank you!

from Forums - Nutrition

Head To These 5 Cafes At Champa Gali And Get Your Weekend Plans Sorted

From quaint little coffee shops, classic handmade art and craft stuff, to creatively curated design studios, Champa Gali has it all.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Banana Nutrition: Your Favourite Fruit Contains This Much Fat!

Despite being abundantly rich in essential nutrients, bananas have always been associated with obesity for some strange reason. Hence, to understand its health quotient, let's have a closer look at...

from NDTV Food - Latest

The Turkish Festival At Pluck, Pullman Hotel In Aerocity Lets You Tuck Into Authentic Delights From

The 10-day festival that started on 23rd August at Pullman Hotel, Aerocity, will go on till 1st September, 2019. It lets the guests relish authentic Turkish cuisine dinner buffet.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Chef Vinesh Johny Appointed AS Deputy Chief Expert For Pastry And Confectionery At WorldSkills Kazan

Under the new position, Chef Vinesh will be vested with task of ensuring smooth functioning of future events. He will also train many more enthusiasts under the Patisserie and Baking segments.

from NDTV Food - Latest

High-Protein Diet: This Easy-Peasy Moong Salad Is Ideal For Weight Loss

Moong dal is often touted to be one of the best sources of plant-based proteins in Indian kitchens.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Oxxy Healthcare to offer up to Rs 1,000 crore loan for medical treatment in FY20

There will be no processing fee and the application will be processed within hours, Oxxy Healthcare said.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Monsoon Diet: Bored Of Regular Pakoda? Pair This Mix Veg Corn Pakoda With Your Evening Tea

This pakoda is made with a corn paste that contains healthful veggies like carrots, capsicum, onions, and coriander leaves

from NDTV Food - Latest

Watch: Give Your Bhindi A Keto Twist! Try This Keto-Friendly Bhindi Masala At Home

This bhindi dish induces a heavy dose of nostalgia as we eat it, every time. Famous YouTube Chef Sahil Makhija gives an interesting twist to the regular bhindi masala.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Kartik Aaryan And Ananya Panday Enjoy 'Badnam Kulfi' In Lucknow

Lucknow is renowned for its rich culinary legacy, and it seems that the young actors are in no mood to miss out on the signature delicacies of the city.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Indian Cooking Tips: How To Make Bharwa Baingan Or Stuffed Brinjals At Home

Bharwa baingan is an Indian delicacy that is ideal to turn brinjal-haters to brinjal-lovers!

from NDTV Food - Latest

High-Protein Breakfast: This Oatmeal Porridge With Fried Egg Is The Perfect Combo Of Taste And Healt

Breakfast is the fuel for the entire day and must ensure a wholesome meal high on protein so the body is satiated well for long. Here is a oatmeal porridge recipe with a twist of egg that perfectly...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Ganesh Chaturthi 2019: 5 Simple Traditional Sweets To Celebrate Vinayaka Chaturthi

If you cannot make modak at home this time, fret not, we have a list of 5 simple traditional Ganesh Chaturthi recipes that are sure to be a delight as well!

from NDTV Food - Latest

Govt to set up over 12,000 Ayush centres across India: PM

PM stressed for the need to create a homogenous system by creating an "Ayush grid" on the lines of one nation, one tax and one nation, one mobility card.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Discovering India Through Food, Says Chef Vicky Ratnani

Famous masterchef Vicky Ratnani on Thursday said he is discovering India through food."I am discovering my country from food," Ratnani told the media here.About his foray into the food industry, he...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Watch: Make This Unique Banana (Kela) Puri For Festive Meals

Banana or kela puri loads up on flavourful and healthful foods banana and almonds. Here's how you can make it at home.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Binge ate today... will I gain 1 or 2 lbs ?

1 whole pizza (2000 cals)

And 4 beers (600 cals)

Plus daily intake (2000 cals)

Will I gain weight ?

I feel like **** now messing up my diet :(

from Forums - Nutrition

Cataract to be out of Ayushman Bharat

The National Health Authority has decided to revamp cancer care, give choice of implants in major surgeries like knee replacement and remove cataract surgeries from the ambit of Ayushman Bharat.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Food Faceoff: Unique Ice Cream 4

Below are 8 unique Ice Cream flavors provided again from ugasar. (Thanks again bro)

Please choose up to 4 that you like:

Bone Marrow Smoked Cherry

Butter French Toast

Duck Crackling & Cherry Preserves

Fish Sauce Palm Sugar

Roasted Beets Humboldt Fog

Salted Caramel Thanksgiving Turkey

Sun Popped Corn

White Toast Apple Butter

from Forums - Nutrition

Recommended unconventional bulking foods?

Curious to what foods are ideal for bulking besides the obvious such as meats and egg. Looking to expand my diet.

from Forums - Nutrition

Anyone else lose weight upon getting cold/flu?

I've been tracking my weight daily for a pretty long time. I notice that the first symptom of illness is usually an unusual drop in scale weight... Followed by other symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, fever etc.

Every time I've been ill for the last 2 years, the day before I would see a 2-4 pound scale weight move. Anyone else? I'm assuming it has something to do with fluid retention.. Maybe the body is trying to flush out whatever bug it is.

Anyone else notice this as the first sign of illness?

from Forums - Nutrition

Newbie bulk

Hi guys I’m in need of some help bulking. I’m a newbie in this so please bare with me if I sound stupid. I have just about got the grasp of calories in calories out and macros. I just needed help as to the amount of carbs, protein and fats I would need to bulk but add minimal amount of fat and water weight. I am 5’6 and 137 pounds. Also what kind do of foods would be good to eat and how many reps and sets I would do at the gym to build muscle. I’m very good when it comes to diet and understand diet is key, thanks in advance for any help. P.s I am 25 not 49 as my profile suggests I do not know how to change it lol

from Forums - Nutrition

Protein intake

Hello, I have 65 kilos age 14 and 8 months in the gym and just started my professional nutrition program made for me, I forgot to take 2 protein shakes throughout the day and i only took about 40-50 grams that day. My question is:Can i catch up/redress my proteins the day after by eating more protein, what happened to muscles and was the training efficient like i ate normally or wasted( i know some of you think this question is stupid, have in mind im learning)

from Forums - Nutrition

Meal Plan for Gaining More Muscles

Not sure if this is in the right section but im 23 years old male 6'5" 184 pounds and in pretty good shape. After cutting down from 225 pounds since January this year, I'm trying to put on more muscle mass now in order to work my way up closer to 205. I never really kept track of the calories I ate, but now that im down in the 180's weight range, I figured it'd be best to use a daily meal plan in order to stay consistent. My exercise routine is a lot lighter as well, consisting of walking treadmill once a week (30 mins) and bike exercise three times a week (30 mins each). Anyways, I have a few questions for gaining calories and avoiding fat so that I don't lose my progress. 1. How many calories a day should I consume for someone my age/height/weight? I currently lift weights every day of the week, and would like to make it count by having a breakfast, lunch, dinner meal plan and snacks in between 2. Is this meal plan I have good for the moment?

Breakfast: 2 Boiled Eggs, Milk, Banana
Snack: Almonds, grapes
Lunch: (Not sure what is optimal, I usually have left-overs or skip lunch sometimes)
Snack: Yogurt or almonds
Dinner: I usually order healthy online meals that range from 500-800 calorie servings, they have stuff like salmon+Green beans/veggies or Luttuce wraps with salmon and chicken breasts on salad (590 calories)
Snack: salad

Thanks in advance for the help

from Forums - Nutrition

Most Refrigerated Food Gets Thrown Out Even Before It Goes Bad, Says New Survey

Large parts of the urban populations around the world waste significant amounts of food and a new study has indicated that a lack of understanding of food labels may be one of the reasons behind it.

from NDTV Food - Latest

High-Protein Diet: This Porridge Is A Hearty Mix Of Health And Wholesomeness

A satiating breakfast could help you hold back from mindless eating; if you feel full, you are much less likely to munch into anything that comes your way, further preventing unnecessary weight gain.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Ganesh Visarjan: Date, Timings (Muhurat) For Immersion, Special Festive Foods

Ganesh Chaturthi begins with installation of idols of the Lord and ends with immersion of these same idols in water. Read on for the auspicious timings of Ganesh Visarjan this year.

from NDTV Food - Latest

5 Effective Ways To Use Cinnamon (Dalchini) In Diabetes Diet

Cinnamon offers many medicinal properties and one of the most prominent ones is its ability to deal with the problem of diabetes.

from NDTV Food - Latest

USFDA issues warning letter to Lantech Pharma for manufacturing violations at Andhra plant

In a warning letter issued to the company's Managing Director V Prakash Reddy, the USFDA said inspectors during March 6-15 this year found significant deviations from standard manufacturing practices at the company's Ranastalam (Srikakulam district) based plant.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Skin Diet: Drink This Potato Juice For Glowing And Nourished Skin

The tuber can do wonders for your skin health. Here's how to juice potatoes and yield its benefits,

from NDTV Food - Latest

National Sports Day 2019: History, Significance And Diet Tips To Perform Better At Sports

Today India is celebrating National Sports Day 2019 today, 29 August. This day is observed to spread awareness on the importance of sports and physical fitness. Follow these diet tips to improve your...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Indian Cooking Tips: How To Make Authentic Gujarati Undhiyu (Recipe Video Inside)

Think Gujarati food and your mind instantly pictures a host of delicacies, one such dish is a Gujarati undhiyu.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Ganesh Chaturthi Special: Delicious Maharashtrian Breakfast Dish Ghavan Recipe

Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated with the most fanfare in the western state of Maharashtra. The unique festive dishes associated with Vinayak Chaturthi include puran poli and a breakfast dish called...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Best diet for muscle gain?

I’ve trained for years but never committed to a diet. Now everything I read claims various diets are the way to go. Is it better to eat regularly? Intermittent fasting? Keto? Plant based? High carb? High fat? Just wondering what actually works. Rather than someone pushing an agenda.

from Forums - Nutrition

Best Men's Multi Vitamin Gummies & Omega

What are the best men's gummies multivitamin & Omega fish oil.

from Forums - Nutrition

Eating High-Protein Snacks At Night Doesn't Affect Metabolism In Physically Active Women

A study reveals that consuming proteins at night as compared to taking in proteins during the day does not adversely affect overnight digestion process and belly fat metabolism.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Granules India to divest entire stake in Granules OmniChem to JV partner

SA Ajinomoto Omnichem NV will take over full control of the contract research and manufacturing services (CRAMS) business, said Granules India.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Healthy Food Is Crucial For Heart Health: Study

For a healthy heart, It is not advisable to randomly eliminate nutrients from your diet.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Pizza On A Weight Loss Diet? Here's A Keto-Friendly, Low-Carb Pizza That You Can Eat Guilt-Free

This keto-friendly pizza has a crispy thin crust, which is low in carbohydrates and is topped with protein-rich foods

from NDTV Food - Latest

New treatment to be made affordable for patients: TB Alliance

Pretomanid is the third TB drug to have been approved by the USFDA in the last 40 years.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Need advice

So i'm 21 6'2 145lbs Skinny since day one. I've been trying to put on size for 5 years. And yes I know to gain size you need to "eat more." Thats just it for skinny dudes. We don't have a appetite. In my example I work two jobs and am a full time college student. Eating is tough for me. I don't have the appetite as I would like unfortunately. I get so full fast and stuffing myself with endless food makes feel like **** all day long. I did a **** ton of research and none of it helps. If you guys could give some advice on what to eat and when to eat. Please don't mention oatmeal, i hate oats. I'm pretty hopeless and this point.. Anything will help.

from Forums - Nutrition

Food Faceoff: Unique Ice Cream 3

All the Ice Cream suggestions today were provided by Ugasar.

Thanks bro for the cool list!

8 of these are listed below.

Please choose up to 4 that you like:

Beet Red Velvet Cheesecake

Dracula's Blood Pudding

Foie Gras Oatmeal Raisin Cream Pie

Mashed Potato & Gravy

Pear Blue Cheese

Pickled Rose Petal Jam

Potato Chip Caramel Cupcake

Sweet Potato Casserole & Maple Pecans

from Forums - Nutrition

Better ways to find calorie surplus?

So I'm 18, 5'9" and weigh 50kg. I'm trying to stop being the stick man I am by keeping track of my calories and staying at a comfortable calorie surplus. The problem is I do not know where to find an accurate calorie surplus so I can start pick a good surplus to try and go for. All calorie calculator sites say I need to eat 2000 calories to maintain my weight but if that was true then I should weigh like 40kg by now as my average caloric intake over the past 3 years has been 1000/never more than 1500. Right now I'm just eating what I usually do plus extra eggs, tuna & protein supplements and hoping that's enough.

tips any1 pls?

from Forums - Nutrition

Advice on macros & caloric intake for a bulk

Howya folks,

Looking to get some sound advice or opinions on macros & caloric intake.

Long story short I'm a skinny guy that's sick and tired being this way - I have developed a bad relationship with food over the last 2 years due to my childhood obesity and life circumstances. I've lost a significant amount of weight before and am now stuck with being skinny for the past 5ish years. I have taken a year off college to sort my health and body out focusing on adding muscle mass and getting healthier and having a healthier relationship with food.

About me & my days and goals:
Age: 21
Height: 178cm / 5ft10
Current weight: 60kg / 132lbs
Body fat: unsure to be honest
I cycle quite a bit to work and from work which works out at about 40km/24.85mi a day (return trip work-home) - with an average duration of 60min each way

I have gone to the gym before, done some lifting as well but not to the extent I want to do now. I do have experience in tracking macros and calories, however, any tips and opinions are welcome. My aim is to do weights 3 days a week with 2 days reserved for cycling - I love cycling and would like to continue to cycle to and from work at least 2x a week

BMR: 1623kcal
TDEE: 2515kcal
Aiming calories per day: 2800kcal
Split: 40P/40C/20F - which would work out to be 280g protein, 280g carbs & 62g fat

Let me know your thoughts

from Forums - Nutrition

Reverse Dieting?

So this is what I've done over the past 4 years. First I'm 6'0. I started around 180lbs, cut down to 150lbs, then bulked to 170lbs for a while then 205lbs (which I am as of now). Around the 170lb mark I was eating 4000cals a day and had to up calories because I wasn't gaining weight. In this year of 2019 I went from 180lbs-205lbs, and am ready to cut. However, I cut my calories down to about 3,000 at the 180 mark and to get to sub-10% bodyfat I tried to cut my calories down to only my basal (2200 cals). I ended up just gaining the weight back to 205lbs. I'm thinking about reverse dieting to 4000 cals if possible by adding 100 cals / 25g carbs to my mealplan every week and increasing activity with another new job (I was working produce so I at least was carrying 40-50lbs at my job plus strength training at the gym, now I just have heavy lifting).

My routine looks like this:

Mon: Chest/abs
Tues: Back/abs
Wed: Arms/abs
Fri: Legs/abs

Most everything 4-6 reps.

So am I correct in reverse dieting to 4000 cals a day to ultimately get cut before bulking again, or is there something better I should do? Attached is 200lbs vs 150lbs.
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from Forums - Nutrition

buy legit PTE,PMP,GRE,CISCO certifications in SAUDI ARABIA"WhatsApp:+1(859)740-9292"

buy legit PTE,PMP,GRE,CISCO certifications in SAUDI ARABIA"WhatsApp:+1(859)740-9292"

from Forums - Nutrition

Skinny fat ,eat more or eat less?

Been lifting for 4 months now, my lats are getting bigger and harder,my chest measurements are up by an inch almost.
However i still look bad in most clothing(except tucked in shirts),the tshirts flare out like skirts from my waist to hips. I am currently on maintenance calories(120+g protein everyday crew)(Basic beginner workout plan,every muscle group on each day of the week,sunday rest)
Weight:178 lbs
Height:5 11
I have a lot of thigh/hip fat and my upper body is quite empty.I now am at the classic stage where i don't know if i should just eat more or eat less.My hips are mostly bone in the pic,seems like i have a case of Narrow Ribcage and Wide hips.i have severe anxiety looking in the mirror everymorning.
Now i know i shouldnt be comparing but most guys around me naturally have a wider upper body and narrower hips,they look good in every type of clothing.

Tbh, at this point i don't even wanna prioritize getting big, I just wanna LOOK NORMAL in Normal clothing like tshirts.Also when i pull back my tshirt when i'm wearing it,there is an hourglass shape that emerges and i literally wanna kms because of that(not srs)
Also my test was quite high the last time i got it tested(5 months ago, 840 ng/dl damnnn)
TLDR:Just look at them pics and advice me what to do next to look normal
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from Forums - Nutrition

Sterling Biotech case: ED records statement of Ahmed Patel's son Faisal

They said Faisal Patel has been asked to depose on Thursday too for a similar session.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

70-90% Of Indians Are Vitamin D Deficient: Eat These Vitamin D Rich Foods

As per the finding of a recent study, majority of Indians are vitamind D deficient. While we can get vitamin D from sunlight, there are certain foods that are said to be rich in vitamin D.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Ketogenic Diet Could Cause Significant Seizure Reduction In Kids With Genetic Epilepsy: Study

A new study has now looked at more traditional uses of the diet, saying that the diet may help kids and infants with genetic epilepsy.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Watch: How To Make Delicious Vietnamese Chicken Pho At Home (Recipe Video)

Pho is a one-bowl meal and it consists of flat rice noodles with various different cuts of red meat or chicken. Here is a recipe video showing step-by-step tutorial to make chicken pho at home!

from NDTV Food - Latest

Surprise Your Family With This Garlic Paratha; 5 Delicious Recipes To Pair With It

A paratha is also one of the most loved north-Indian delicacies of all times. One of our favourite features of paratha is its sheer versatility.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Watch: How To Make Street-Style Moong Dal Pakoda At Home (Recipe Video)

Craving hot and piping pakodas in the breezy monsoon season? We give you an easy-peasy moong dal pakoda recipe to enjoy along with the rains this season!

from NDTV Food - Latest

'Chutney' At The Metropolitan Hotel Has Indian Appetisers Worth Trying Out

With equal attention to both vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes, the food at 'Chutney' offers plenty for people of both dietary preferences. Read on to know about its delicious appetisers.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Weight Loss: This Apple-Ginger Tea May Help Speed Up Fat Burning Process

Here's another kind of weight loss-friendly tea - apple-ginger tea - which is believed to do wonders in cutting calories and shrinking belly fat

from NDTV Food - Latest

Red Wine's Good For Your Gut, Says Study 

People who drink red wine have increased gut microbiota diversity as well as lower levels of obesity and bad cholesterol.

from NDTV Food - Latest

High-Protein Diet: Low-Carb Minced Chicken Salad Recipe

This recipe that you may add to your high-protein diet is a combination of good amounts of protein from the chicken mince and a rainbow of essential micro-nutrients like minerals and vitamins.

from NDTV Food - Latest

6 Food Festivals In Delhi-NCR That You Must Not Miss This Week

If you are a foodie and a have an equal foodie company who can traverse all lengths for interesting local and international cuisines, we have curated a list of interesting food festivals that are sure...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Diabetes Diet: This High-Fibre Salad Can Be A Delicious Addition To Your Diabetic Diet

Diabetes: If you are a diabetic too, your diet must have plentiful of fibre from pulses, whole grains, seeds, and fresh vegetables and fruits.

from NDTV Food - Latest

This Desi High-Protein Vegetarian Salad Is A Delish Blend Of Health And Flavours

It is very important to choose your ingredients wisely, or else, your salad could even prove to be one of the unhealthiest meals of the day.

from NDTV Food - Latest

''Beach'' physique

Hello guys, i am just curious to a thing, when we approach a diet and a train for having a ''beach'' physique, how do you think should change things ? (if they really need?) Especially in the training part, what you would do different? Thanks!

from Forums - Nutrition

Obese People Tend To Have Low Sense Of Taste; A Study Reveals

The study suggests that people with obesity tend to lose their sense of taste but the underlying neural changes still remain to be discovered

from NDTV Food - Latest

Indian Cooking: This Unique Version Of Kadhi Is Made Using Potato, Onion And Peas

This form of kadhi is made in many households, especially in North India, given the long-standing love for potatoes there!

from NDTV Food - Latest

Food Faceoff: Unique Ice Cream 2

Below are not your average Vanilla/Chocolate flavors but 8 unique flavors of Ice Cream.

Please choose up to 4 that you like:

Black Sabbath

Blue Moon

Catchin' Fire


Lavender Honey

Pineapple Cilantro

Salty Caramel Cashew

Tutti Frutti

from Forums - Nutrition