How do I know what's too much of what when it comes to nutrition and bulking???

how do I know what's too much sugar, sodium, fruit juice, sweets etc if I'm trying to put on muscle? I feel like I need a specific meal plan. if I don't get fat easily can I be more flexible with that? Can I have fruit juice every day, a litte bit of sweets etc? I'm honestly getting really confused and overwhelmed with this. The trainers I've worked with aren't allowed to help me with meal plans so I feel really stuck and lost. is there an exact answer to this or does it just depend on a person's body? clean eating is super hard for me.. I also like eating pizza and burgers and just don't know what's considered moderation...I also smoke and drink. I know too much of anything is bad and I don't want to hurt my's making me feel really overwhelmed.

from Forums - Nutrition

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