3 months in to the bulk? Am I getting fat?

I’m 6 ft I’ve been bulking for 3 months now I started the bulk at 73.8 kg I’m now 77.2 kg so I’ve put on 3.5 kg in 3 months. I’ve been trying to do it slowly to put on muscle not fat. I was eating 3200 calories a day mainly clean salmon avacado eggs everyday , Weetabix, tuna sandwhich or chicken pasta etc. I stopped all fried takeaways. I do eat chicken rice etc grilled.
My waiste was 31 inch 2 months ago I checked again today and it’s 33 and looks like I’ve gained fat. I been training 5 years I go to close to failure if not failure. Idk why I’m not putting muscle on. Natty.
Here’s photos also my strength has increased on this lean bulk.

https://ibb.co/z6TzsfF 73.8 kg 3 months ago

77.2 kg here now


from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/KuIE5U3


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