Macros for sedentary beginner lifter

Please bear with me for a post that might be somewhat long-winded, but I hope not. I'm a 34 year old female, 4'11, 222 lbs, bf%: 38.3. I've been trying to lose weight since March and I've lost a total of 36 so far. It's been a slow process because I have health issues which result in a sedentary lifestyle aside from my workouts.

I workout 6 days a week: 45+ minutes of intense lifting (5 days) & 25 minutes of a steady state zone 2(ish) cardio (6th day). I'm nearly 4 weeks into my program and for the last couple of weeks, I've been getting really spent pretty early on in my sessions which makes it tough to keep pushing hard. Right now, my pre-workout is a banana and 8 oz of 100% orange juice about 20 minutes before the workout and my post-workout is 8 oz of chocolate almond milk. I want to do away with the post milk because it doesn't look like it works well enough as a 4:1 or 5:1. And I need to tweak my pre-workout somehow so that I have enough fuel to go hard.

I just got back into lifting weights (first time in about 8 years) and I'm confused as hell on the nutrition part. I read the sticky about calculating calories/macros and used the suggested online calculator and I'm wondering what y'all's thoughts are on the results: it gave me 2644 for maintenance and then 2115 for fat loss and 1776 for extreme fat loss. I also used the provided sticky formula to calculate my macros (for fat and protein only until I figure out what calorie range I should be in) and got 83.3 protein and 47.6 fat. Before using the sticky calculator, I used one I found online and it had me take my current weight & multiply it by 12 (for sedentary), then add my average calorie burn (400) and then subtract only 300 for a deficit which put me at around 2768 calories a day. Does this sound right either? Seems like too much for someone who's sedentary and has 100+ to lose?

My goal weight is to get back to around 119. I'm leaning towards the 2115 amount because I worry that the extreme end could result in muscle loss instead of strictly fat loss? But y'all are more knowledgeable than I am.

On an end note, I'm a vegan who's trying to buckle down with a 100% WFPB approach. I do not eat any sweets or junk food and I strictly drink water. My problem, though, is that I'm not a huge fan of cooked food. I simply don't crave it and instead find myself craving things like cereal (heritage flakes brand with almond milk), sandwiches, fruits and veggies.

I apologize for such a long post but thank you in advance for any and all help!

from Forums - Nutrition


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