Sick to death of trying to clean bulk. Want some examples for dirty bulk.

For context, I’m 36 years old and I’ve tried about 30 times to add weight clean. Chicken rice and broccoli and protein shakes etc - litres of full fat milk until I sh*t pale. And I can’t stand it anymore!

I am very skinny but pretty lean. I want to add weight so I can get physically bigger and aside from hitting some steroids, which a) I can’t find and b) would be too soft to inject anyway, the only thing I can think of is a dirty bulk.

But I don’t know where to start really. Other than McDonald’s.

Does anyone have any examples of a dirty bulk daily diet? What it looks like? Best foods to cram in etc? Or is it just a case of “go ****ing nuts”? I’d imagine it’s more scientific than that.

Cheers in advance.

from Forums - Nutrition


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