How do my daily calories and foods look?

I started out at 20 at roughly 140lbs, decided I should bulk and train hard to grow. I have grown a good amount (sitting at 178lb right now, been a year and a half but wasn't training or eating properly at first) and progressed in the gym but want to see how I can improve.

I eat an apple a day and try to fit in frozen mixed veggies 3-7x a week. As a college student, I eat bowls of cereal (not healthy cereal) all the time for ez calories (sometimes adding in peanut butter and chocolate chips for more cals). Every morning I eat 5 eggs with some sausage next to it. Lunch might be a bowl of protein pasta with 8oz of ground beef, or tuna tacos, etc.

So roughly 3,000 - 3,200 calories a day, 180g of protein, and although I dont really track carbs and fats I usually aim for 300g carbs and 100g fat.
What can I do to improve? What am I doing wrong?

I'd post pics of MyFitnessPal if I could but I cant until I post more I guess

from Forums - Nutrition


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