Diete with 0 calories?


So, assuming that I would eat my daily ~2400 calories, all veggies, protein and everything needed for a healthy day.
But through my workout I lose 2400 calories. Unrealistic I know, but it's about the concept.
So basically I consumed 0 calories that day, which would create a lose of roughly 1,7 KG per week.

Questions now is: How healthy is such a concept?
A more realisticly example: Eating 1800 calories and losing around 400 for a workout. The workout would likely not do so much for muscle gain due to the low calories but it's about losing fat for now, the workout helps maintaining the muscles and not losing that much of em. Although I am not sure of how much of the muscles would actually remain, so that itself is a question too for someone who knows stuff about that.
All of that would end up in a lose of roughly 1 KG per week, while keeping most of the muscles and being able to eat enough to not get to little of something.

from Forums - Nutrition

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