Do hunger levels stem from what you eat or how much you eat?

Hi. I apologize in advance, but for the sake of respect I ask that you refrain from judging me and just stick to answering my question thoroughly.

I just really needed to know this information considering that most of you have more experience in this field than I do, thank you.

For the past year and half I have been religiously counting calories; tracking every little detail, and through trial and error I got the joist of it pretty quickly and been managing ever since.

Currently lean bulking but that's besides the point.

The question I want to ask stems from pure curiosity. You see I eat clean on most days, low calorie dense foods that up to a little over my maintenance calories; this equates to up to 5kg of food a day consisting purely of fruits, veggies, lean meats, whole grains, etc; not gonna get into detail unless it's necessary. But I'm starting to realize that it's a huge load of volume not just for me but for everyone.

My question is this; would eating more calorie/nutrient dense foods with less mass still satiate hunger levels?

To better understand my question, I would like to provide two imaginary scenarios:

A) Person eats 100g of steak which is give or take 270 calories.

B) Person eats 1.8kg of lettuce which also equates to about 270 calories. (We don't have to precise here.)

Are both people equally satiated despite the fact that B filled their stomach with more mass?

Do calories/nutrients determine hunger levels or how much mass enters your stomach?

from Forums - Nutrition


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