So hungry since weightlifting

Hey guys,

A bit of background, I've been a gym goer for a few years now, have always been a cardio bunny mainly and have only dabbled with weights (previous routine was - 1-2 40 minute BodyPump classes per week, x2 30 minute HIIT cardio classes). The BodyPump classes were upper body only, so not anything particularly heavy or taxing.

I've overhauled my exercise the last few weeks, less cardio, and instead of BodyPump classes, I've been doing full-body circuits using dumbbells, so heavier weights and more weighted leg exercises. Same amount of time (40 minutes), and the last 2 weeks I've cut a cardio class and added in an additional strength base workout.

My goal is to gain some muscle. I am 26, 5ft5, and currently 55kg. I have no muscle at all and although I am petite, I have fat around my middle, top of arms, etc. I guess I'm what would be classed as 'skinny fat'.

I've never had a big appetite, would estimate calories at 1300 per day (I'd like to add that I know this is low, but my exercise has never been vigorous and I would only class myself as fairly active... but since I've changed my routine, I am HUNGRY! haha. I am like a bottomless pit and am wanting to eat constantly. A little scary as I've never experienced this huge increase before. My diet has always been balanced, lots of fish, chicken, grains. I have intolerance so know a fair amount in regards to the nutrition side of things and what I should/shouldn't eat.

Anyway, sorry for the ramble, but my question is, is this normal RE the sudden hunger increase? And in regards to building muscle, is there anything you recommend in regards to my current training regime? Should I cut cardio completely, how much extra should I be eating for my goals? This is new to me so I would be really grateful for any tips.

Thank you in advance,

from Forums - Nutrition

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