Does the body really know what day it is? #Calories

I have been tracking laboriously for 300 days!

6ft 205lbs ( very old )

Averaging 1850 kcal in that time.


I do compound only - i.e. Bench Press, Seated Row, Seated Leg Press. 3 times a week - 20 minute non stop swim 1 time per week.

I do this routine because 1. I am old :) 2. I have COPD/ Bad Asthma 3. Its one I CAN stick to.


Whilst loosing weight consistently around 1-2lbs per month. I have now noticed the return of under arm fat, it actually is uncomfortable.


I sent my calorie information to my "helper" showing that Jan and Feb due to a couple of colds and some symptoms I have trained a little less and eaten less too.

Average calories down to around 1500 a week.

He says that the issue is inconsistent calories and that even if I am not hungry and not well I should stay EXACTLY the same not a calorie over or under and that this is my fault?

What say you?

Recent changes last 4 / 8 weeks.

1. Flaxseed oil - EVERY DAY
2. Around 25% less swimming and training
3. Bit more time in bed, i.e. lack of energy due to feeling unwell.
4. Added advocado to diet

from Forums - Nutrition

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