Am I eating enough calories? (Help with diet)

When I calculated my macros, it put me at rough 55% carbs, 35% protein, 10% fat, and 2,200 calories.

(I'm 5'7, 188 lbs, probably 20-25% bodyfat estimated)

I lift weights about 5 times a week. Just a little cardio. I just recently went from low carb to new diet of mostly rice, meats, veggies. I feel like I'm eating all day. Started tracking, and averaging 2.2k calories a day but it appears my weight is going down roughly 2 pounds a week. Lifts are getting stonger, Ab definition has improved.

If my goal is to lower body fat % and gain muscle, what changes should I make.. or should I keep with what I'm doing? Thanks in advance for any advice.

from Forums - Nutrition

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